Poor William's Almanack and Journal
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Ben Franklin's bifocals Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Demographer Thomas Robert Malthus    Malthus Population Essay
[1766 - Thomas Robert Malthus, economist, demographer, born at Dorking, Surrey, England]

Admiral David Dixon Porter
[1891 - David Dixon Porter, Rear Admiral, USN, dies at age 77]

Artist Grant Wood    Grant Wood's American Gothic    Grant Wood's Self portrait    Artist Grant Wood
[1892 - Grant DeVolson Wood, artist, born in Anamosa, Iowa]

[1914 - American Society of Composers, Authors, & Publishers (ASCAP) is founded in New York City]

Golf Champ Patty Berg    Golf Champ Patty Berg with trophy
[1918 - Patricia Jane 'Patty' Berg, golf champion, born in Minneapolis, Minnesota]

Scenic Designer Oliver Smith
[1918 - Oliver Smith, Broadway scenic designer, born
in Waupun, Wisconsin]

Singer Tennessee Ernie Ford    Singer Tennessee Ernie Ford
[1919 - Tennessee Ernie (Ernest Jennings) Ford, singer, born in Bristol, Tennessee]

Coach Eddie Robinson    Grambling Coach Eddie Robinson    Grambling Coach Eddie Robinson    Coach Eddie Robinson's Statue
[1919 - Eddie G. Robinson, Grambling Hall of Fame football coach, born in Jackson, Louisiana]

Soprano Eileen Farrell    Soprano Eileen Farrell    Soprano Eileen Farrell
[1920 - Eileen Farrell. soprano, born in Willimantic, Connecticut]

Actor Oliver Reed    Actor Oliver Reed    Actor Oliver Reed    Actor Oliver Reed
[1938 - (Robert) Oliver Reed, actor, born in London]

Dresden bombing
[1945 - British & Allied bombers drop tons of incendiaries and high-explosive bombs on Dresden, Germany]

Undefeated Heavyweight Rocky Marciano
[1952 - Rocky Marciano defeats Lee Savold for
his 39th straight win as Heavyweight Champ]

Writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn    Alexander Solzhenitsyn - his first book    Dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn
[1974 - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Soviet dissident, writer (Nobel Prize), is expelled from the USSR]

Hummingbird Brains Hummingbird and Flower

The hummingbird and bumblebee,
Hover to feed when they fly, you see.
A sage once proved they couldn't do it.
But they declined to eschew it.

Now when I sit out in my garden,
Without a single "beg your pardon,"
They flitter, flit, and hover so,
Nor ask permission whence they go.

Illiterate bird and insect dunce,
You have not read my study once.
How will you profit from my knowledge,
When your heads are filled with porridge?

Get thee hence, insolent creatures.
Why won't you listen to your teachers?
If you persist in this behavior,
Neither man nor God will be your savior.

William's Whimsical Words:

Why not follow this link to the Journal? Children Can Fly Too

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