Tuesday, December 30, 2008
[1865 - Rudyard Kipling, Nobel Laureate in Literature, born in Bombay, India]
[1847 - John Peter Altgeld, political reformer, born in Germany]
[1867 - Simon Guggenheim, senator, philanthropist, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]
[1884 - Hideki Tojo, Prime Minister of Japan, born in Tokyo]
[1914 - Jo Van Fleet, Academy Award-winning actress,
born in Oakland, California]
[1920 - Jack Lord (John Joseph Patrick Ryan), artist, actor, born in Brooklyn]
[1929 - Barbara (Marie) Nichols (Nickeraeur), actress, born in Queens]
[1948 - Kiss Me Kate opens on Broadway, runs for 1,077 performances]
[1959 - Commissioning of first ballistic missile submarine, USS George Washington]
Minor Surgery
"Minor Surgery" is a term used by doctors to describe a subset of procedures that are less technically demanding or challenging for the surgeon who performs them. This term is the logical equivalent of a lawyer talking about a personal injury client as the "legs off" case.