Monday, December 3, 2007
[1755 - Gilbert Stuart, portrait artist, born in North Kingstown, Rhode Island]
[1818 - Illinois enters the Union as 21st state]
[1857 - Joseph Conrad (Józef Teodor Konrad Nalecz Korzeniowski), author, born in Berdychiv, Ukraine]
[1924 - John Warner Backus, computer scientist, inventor of Fortran, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]
[1953 - Kismet opens on Broadway for run of 583 performances]
[1960 - Camelot opens at Majestic Theater NYC, for run of 873 performances]
Come Back
(A Father's Advice to His Daughters)
You must go out amongst them.
Only in the world may you find
Answers to questions you ask yourself.
When you've conquered all, daughters three,
When you have shown them all you can be.
Come home again to visit thee with me.
Bring with you grandchildren you have raised
Better than you were. Grandchildren for play
While scant patience lasts inside one who aged.
In them your love; a glimpse of immortality.
So while males sleep late, late get up to roar,
Go kill for us, then stand aside while we feast.
Do what you have for then, now, and evermore.
Tell us strong we are, but always tame the beast.
William's Whimsical Words:
Why is it that the "weaker" sex does the hunting and nurtures the young?
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