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Franklin bifocals Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Harvard University
[1636 - The Massachusetts General Court votes to provide college funds and Harvard University is founded]

Orator, Feminist, Writer Anna Elizabeth Dickinson
[1842 - Anna Elizabeth Dickinson, orator,
abolitionist, women's advocate, author,
born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]

Chef Auguste Escoffier    Master Chef Auguste Escoffier    Master Chef Auguste Escoffier
[1846 - (Georges) Auguste Escoffier, master chef, born in Villeneuve-Loubet, France]

Photojournalist Gilbert H. Grosvenor
[1875 - Gilbert H. Grosvenor, editor National Geographic, born at Istanbul, Turkey]

Statue of Liberty
[1886 - The Statue of Liberty, a gift from the people of France,
is dedicated by President Cleveland]

Conductor Howard Hanson    Composer Howard Hanson    Composer Howard Hanson
[1896 - Howard Harold Hanson, Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, conductor, educator, born in Wahoo, Nebraska]

Costume Designer Edith Head    Costume Designer Edith Head
[1897 - Edith Head, Academy Award-winning costume designer, born in San Bernardino, California]

Actress Elsa Lanchester    Actress Elsa Lanchester    Actress Elsa Lanchester    Actress Elsa Lanchester    Actress Elsa Lanchester
[1902 - Elsa Lanchester (Elizabeth Sullivan), actress, born in London]

Researcher Dr. Jonas Salk    Dr. Jonas Salk, developer of Polio Vaccine
[1914 - Dr. Jonas Salk, medical researcher (Salk polio vaccine), born in New York City]

Prohibition enforcement by revenuers
[1919 - Congress passes the Volstead Act enforcing the Prohibition Constitutional Amendment]

[1940 - Greek resistance forces and Greek military turn back Mussolini's troops; Ohi (No!) Day]

President Kennedy meets with Bobby during Cuban Missile Crisis
[1962 - The Cuban Missile Crisis comes to a head]

Compassionate Conservative Creed

The specificity of your reciprocity determines my capacity for generosity.
The mendacity of my philosophy measures the perspicacity of my hypocrisy.

William's Whimsical Words:

In other words, I am compassionate when it suits my purpose, but at other times I will lie to you.

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