Thursday, October 16, 2008
[1758 - Noah Webster, author, lexicographer, born in Hartford, Connecticut]
[1854 - Oscar Wilde, poet, writer, playwright, born in Dublin, Ireland]
[1859 - John Brown & 21 followers seize Harper's Ferry, Virginia (now West Virginia)]
[1886 - David Ben-Gurion, first Israel prime minister, born in Plonsk, Poland]
[1888 - Eugene (Gladstone) O'Neill, Nobel and Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright, born in New York City]
[1898 - William O. Douglas, Supreme Court Justice, born in Maine, Minnesota]
[1923 - Linda (Monetta Eloyse) Darnell, actress, born in Dallas, Texas]
[1934 - Communist leader Mao Zedong begins the Long March]
[1964 - People's Republic of China conducts successful nuclear test]
[1984 - Bishop Desmond Tutu wins Nobel Peace Prize]
Dangerous Neighborhood
The more dangerous the world seemed to me,
The more I tried to learn how to survive in it.
The more I learned about requirements for survival,
The more dangerous the world seemed to become.
The more knowledge I amassed about this dangerous world,
The more of a threat I seemed to become to the established order.
The more of a threat I become to the established order,
The more dangerous the world actually becomes to me.
William's Whimsical Words:
At the moment of my death, I will have learned as much as I can in this world, I will have become as dangerous as I can be, and the world will have become too dangerous for me to survive in it a minute longer.
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