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Franklin bifocals Thursday, October 13, 2011

Heroine Molly Pitcher    Heroine Molly Pitcher
[1754 - Molly Pitcher (Mary Ludwig Hays McCauley), Revolutionary War heroine, born near Trenton, New Jersey]

Continental Navy ships    Navy jack
[1775 - The Continental Navy is established by a Resolution of the Continental Congress]

White House
[1792 - President's (later White) House cornerstone is laid]

Scientist Rudolf Virchow
[1821 - Rudolf Virchow, scientist, born in
Schivelbein (Pomerania)]

Champion Driver Wilbur Shaw    Indy Savior Wilbur Shaw
[1902 - Wilbur Shaw, race car driver, Indianapolis Speedway 3X winner & president, born in
Shelbyville, Indiana]

Herblock    Herblock cartoon    Herbert Block
[1909 - Herblock (Herbert L. Block), Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist, born in Chicago]

Actor Cornell Wilde    Actor Cornell Wilde
[1915 - Cornel (Cornelius Louis) Wilde, actor, director, born in Manhattan]

Puppeteer Burr Tillstrom    Burr Tillstrom's creations Kukla & Ollie    Burr Tillstrom, Kukla, & Ollie
[1917 - Burr Tillstrom, Emmy Award-winning puppeteer, born in Chicago]

Actress Laraine Day    Actress Laraine Day
[1920 - Laraine Day (La Raine Johnson), actress, born in Roosevelt, Utah]

Football Player Lou Saban    Football Coach Lou Saban    Football Coach Lou Saban
[1921 - Louis Henry 'Lou' Saban, college and pro football player, coach, executive, born in Brookfield, Illinois]

Actor Yves Montand    Actor Yves Montand
[1921 - Yves Montand (Yvo Livi), actor, born in Monsummano Terme, Italy]

Panelist Nipsey Russell    Comedian Nipsey Russell
[1924 - Nipsey Russell, comedian, actor, born in Atlanta, Georgia]

Comedian Lenny Bruce    Comedian Lenny Bruce    Comedian Lenny Bruce
[1925 - Lenny Bruce (Leonard Alfred Schneider), comedian, writer, born in Mineola, New York]

Baseball HoF Eddie Matthews    Hall of Famer Eddie Matthews    Hall of Fame third baseman Eddie Matthews
[1931 - Eddie (Edwin Lee) Mathews, Baseball Hall of Famer, born in Texarkana, Texas]

Another Birthday Card

13 October 1775 Resolution of the Continental Congress
Establishing what is now the United States Navy

Resolved, That a swift sailing vessel, to carry ten carriage guns, and a proportionable number of swivels, with eighty men, be fitted, with all possible despatch, for a cruise of three months, and that the commander be instructed to cruize eastward, for intercepting such transports as may be laden with warlike stores and other supplies for our enemies, and for such other purposes as the Congress shall direct.

That a Committee of three be appointed to prepare an estimate of the expence, and lay the same before the Congress, and to contract with proper persons to fit out the vessel.

Resolved, that another vessel be fitted out for the same purposes, and that the said committee report their opinion of a proper vessel, and also an estimate of the expence.

Source: Journal of the Continental Congress, 13 October 1775, in William Bell Clark, editor, Naval Documents of the American Revolution, Vol. 2, p. 442 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1966).

Happy Birthday, shipmates!

William's Whimsical Words:

What do you suppose the Colonists would have said if the Committee had come back to Congress with one of these?

USS Independence (LCS-2)

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