Monday, October 5, 2009
[1882 - Robert (Hutchings) Goddard, rocket science
pioneer, born in Worcester, Massachusetts]
[1902 - Larry Fine (Louis Feinberg), comedian, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]
[1902 - Ray Kroc, entrepreneur, born in Chicago]
[1908 - Joshua (Lockwood) Logan (III), producer,
director, writer, born in Texarkana, Texas]
[1947 - Harry Truman asks the American people via TV from White House not to eat meat on Tuesdays, or poultry on Thursdays, to save grain for the starving in Europe]
[1953 - Earl Warren is sworn in as 14th Supreme Court Chief Justice]
[1957 - Bernie Mac (Bernard Jeffrey McCullough), comedian, actor, born in Chicago]
[1978 - Isaac Bashevis Singer wins Nobel Prize for literature]
Peter, Peter, Prisoner Beater
Peter, Peter, Prisoner Beater,
Had a suspect and couldn't keep her.
Put her in a Gitmo holding cell,
And kept her indefinitely, if not so well.
Steven, Steven, covert operator,
Al-Qaida suspects; now get even.
Attached to high voltage generator.
Toasted them 'til done and steaming.
Beatings, threats, torture, mayhem,
We do them all and then nay say them.
When Commanders in Chief tear up the rules,
Troops take their cue; they are not fools.
President Obama said those days are over.
Cheney and his gang would get their cover.
But those of us who fought their wars,
Want some justice for those whores.
William's Whimsical Words:
That we did this was not surprising; it has always been a part of war. That we lied about it afterwards and tried to pretend we were holier or more moral than the rest of mankind was plain stupid. That some should now have acknowledged torture, embraced it, and tried to immunize themselves from its practice, is unamerican. If the rule of law is to have any meaning, the real war criminals must be tried for their crimes.
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