Sunday, October 2, 2011
[1967 - Thurgood Marshall sworn in as first African-American Supreme Court justice]
My fellow citizens, it is with great sadness that I must tell you that our Constitution is broken. It has been evident to many of us for some time that the Good Old Girl was just not getting the job done any more. Mindful of the genius that gave rise to the supreme law of the land that served my country so well over several centuries, and caught up in the spirit of reverence in which our Constitution is held by most citizens (including your author), for a while I refused to acknowledge the obvious signs of a fatal illness.
Denial is no longer possible. Not only is the original foundation of our democracy no longer producing a government by, of, and for the people; it is beyond economical repair. This should come as no surprise. A governmental framework designed in the Eighteenth Century for a handful of former colonies, where slavery was an accepted institution, and only the white male gentry were enfranchised, is bound to encounter its end sometime soon. We do have a choice. We can continue to patch an old structure until it falls down and hurts somebody, or we can build a new one that is appropriate for the present time and conditions.
William's Whimsical Words:
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Last updated on October 1, 2011