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Ben Franklin's bifocals Friday, September 26, 2008

Nobel Poet T. S. Eliot
[1888 - T.S. (Thomas Stearns) Eliot, Nobel Prize-
winning poet, born in St. Louis, Missouri]

Tough Guy Actor George Raft
[1895 - George Raft (Ranft), actor,
born in New York City]

Composer George Gershwin
[1898 - George Gershwin (Jacob Gershowitz),
composer, born in Brooklyn]

Actress Barbara Britton
[1919 - Barbara Britton (Brantingham), actress, born in
Long Beach, California]

Singer, Songwriter Marty Robbins
[1925 - Marty Robbins (Robertson), Country Music
Hall of Famer, born in Glendale, Arizona]

Singer, Actress Julie London
[1926 - Julie London (Peck), singer, born in
Santa Rosa, California]

Scene from West Side Story
[1957 - West Side Story opens in New York; it runs for 734 performances]

Fantasy Football

Suppose we had put the NFL in charge of New Orleans reconstruction instead of the government. All the trash and debris would have been picked up promptly, the people would all have a place to live, businesses would be up and running, the police force would be in control, the medical facilities would work, the food and drink would be overpriced (just as it was before), and the mayor would have his own Sky Box on condition he stay there and cause no further harm to the city. Best of all, the operation would be turning a profit and a salary cap would be in effect.

The Super-Dome complex in New Orleans

William's Whimsical Words:

And we would have a giant dome over the entire City to keep out wind and water, should they come again

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