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Ben Franklin's bifocals Tuesday, September 21, 2010

early newspaper
[1784 - First US daily newspaper,
Pennsylvania Packet and Daily Advertiser, is published]

Father of Science Fiction H. G. Wells    Writer H. G. Wells
[1866 - H.G. Wells, science fiction writer, born in Bromley, Kent, England]

Chief Joseph on horseback
[1904 - Chief Joseph, Nez Perce leader, dies in Washington]

Animator Chuck Jones    Animator Chuck Jones
[1912 - Chuck Jones, director, animator, cartoonist, born in Spokane, Washington]

Comedian Henry Gibson
[1935 - Henry Gibson (James Bateman), comedian,
actor born in Germantown, Pennsylvania]

Hurricane of 1938 - Cranston, R.I.
[1938 - New England Hurricane hits without warning; 700 die]

French Grand Prix 1947 poster
[1947 - Grand Prix auto racing returns to postwar France]

This Bad Man

This terrorist cell, it played one,
Crashed a plane into the Pentagon,
With a
Hack, smack, cowardly act,
A package knife, a phone;
These terrorist thugs attacked my home.

This ugly terrorist, he played two,
He tried to bomb us with his shoe,
With a
Hack, smack, passengers act,
And stopped him all alone;
This terrorist he threatened my home.

These bad terrorists, they played three,
They bombed a pair of US Embassy,
With a
Crack, smack, cowardly act,
The plot we could not foil;
This terrorist cell attacked our soil.

This terrorist squad, they played four,
Hijacked a plane to kill some more,
With a
Whack, smack, heroic act,
Passengers rose up, took control;
In Pennsylvania they made a big hole.

This terrorist band, they played five,
In the Towers many weren't left alive,
With a
Hack, smack, cowardly act,
It chilled us to the bone;
This terrorist clan attacked my home.

This terrorist movement soon will see,
We don't scare easily, nor do we flee.
In a
Body bag we will send you home,
You've no chance in the Land of the Free.

don't tread on me

William's Whimsical Words:

Trouble is these fanatics want to die. Now, if one were to use smart weapons to destroy the homes of all known living relatives of each suicide bomber, how long do you imagine that these bombers would continue to enjoy hero or martyr status in their native lands?

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