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Ben Franklin's bifocals Sunday, August 22, 2010

Aviation Pioneer Samuel Langley   Samuel P. Langley
[1834 - Samuel P. Langley, aviation pioneer, born in Roxbury, Massachusetts]

Publisher Melville E. Stone   Publisher Melville E. Stone
[1848 - Melville Elijah Stone, journalist, publisher, born in Hudson, Illinois]

Composer Claude Debussy in 1885    Composer Claude Debussy
[1862 - Claude Debussy, composer, born in St. Germain-en-Laye, France]

Writer, Critic, and Poet Dorothy Parker
[1893 - Dorothy Parker(Rothschild), writer,
born in Long Branch, New Jersey]

John Lee Hooker    Bluesman, Rock & Roll Hall of Famer John Lee Hooker
[1917 - John Lee Hooker, musician, born in Clarksdale, Mississippi]

Film Star Sylvia Koscina
[1933 - Sylvia Koscina, actress, born in Zagreb, Yugoslavia]

Actress Diana Sands
[1934 - Diana Sands, actress, born in New York City]

Picture Pornography

Would someone please explain why explicit photos of consenting adults engaging in sexual acts are considered pornographic while explicit photos of war scenes with human beings being torn apart, killed, and maimed are just news. Sexual acts are frequently motivated by love or affection, generally do no harm, and often result in pleasure. Warlike acts are usually motivated by hatred and revenge, result in death and disfigurement, and always result in harm. Come on, CNN, Fox News, et al.; enlighten us.

William's Whimsical Words:

Is it helpful that one US Supreme Court Justice reassured us that he knew pornography when he saw it?

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