Monday, August 12, 2013
[1781 - Robert Mills, architect (The Washington Monument), born in Charleston, South Carolina]
[1849 - Abbott Thayer, artist, born in Boston, Massachusetts]
[1877 - Thomas Alva Edison completes his first phonograph]
[1880 - Christopher 'Christy' Mathewson, Hall of Fame New York Giants baseball pitcher, born in Factoryville, Pennsylvania]
[1881 - Cecil Blount deMille, producer, director, born in Ashfield, Massachusetts]
[1892 - Alfred Lunt, Tony Award-winning actor, born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin]
[1910 - Jane Wyatt, Emmy Award-winning actress, born in Campgaw, New Jersey]
[1911 - Cantinflas (Mario Moreno Reyes), comedian, actor, born in Mexico City]
[1915 - Michael Kidd (Milton Greenwald), dancer, actor, choreographer, born in Brooklyn]
[1927 - Porter Wayne Wagoner, singer, songwriter, born in West Plains, Missouri]
[1972 - Last American combat ground troops leave Vietnam]
Real Poets
Self-anointed Poets never come,
From the unwashed proletariat.
Much in favor is the chosen one
Appointed as the Poet Laureate.
Cowboy Poets never teach.
Nor do they bunk in at a Marriott.
Real Poets don't eat quiche.
They Lasso words with a Poet Lariat.
William's Whimsical Words:
Poorwilliam makes his rhymes.
But he cannot twirl a rope.
Pity him, as in these times,
Clearly he's beyond all hope.
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