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Ben Franklin's bifocals Sunday, July 8, 2012

The Liberty Bell ringing    The Liberty Bell    Ben Franklin & Declaration of Independence
[1776 - The Liberty Bell rings out from the Pennsylvania State House (Independence Hall),
for the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence]

Capitalist John D. Rockefeller    Industrialist John D. Rockefeller    Philanthropist John D. Rockefeller
[1839 - John Davison Rockefeller, industrialist, capitalist, philanthropist, born in Richland, New York]

A traditional ice cream sundae from Two Rivers
[1881 - Druggist Edward Berner of Two Rivers,
Wisconsin, creates the first ice cream sundae]

Prizefighter The Great John L. Sullivan
[1889 - John L. Sullivan wins by KO in 75th round of last bare-knuckle bout]

Jazzman Louis Jordan    Bluesman Louis Jordan
[1908 - Louis (Thomas) Jordan, singer, actor, sax player, born in Brinkley, Arkansas]

Governor Nelson Rockefeller    Governor Nelson Rockefeller with LBJ    VP Nelson Rockefeller
[1908 - Nelson (Aldrich) Rockefeller, Vice President, Governor, born in Bar Harbor, Maine]

Journalist Sarah McClendon
[1910 - Sarah (Newcomb) McClendon, journalist, born in Tyler, Texas]

Pulitzer Prize Critic Walter Kerr    Kerr Theater on Broadway, NYC
[1913 - Walter Kerr, Pulitzer Prize-winning drama critic, born in Evanston, Illinois]

Singer Billy Eckstine   Bandleader Billy Eckstine
[1914 - Billy (William Clarence) Eckstine, bandleader, singer, born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania]

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross    Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
[1926 - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, psychiatrist, author, born in Zurich, Switzerland]

TV Pioneer Executive Roone Arledge
[1931 - Roone Arledge, president ABC-TV
News, born in Forest Hills, New York]

Comedian Marty Feldman
[1934 - Marty (Martin Alan) Feldman, comedian, actor, writer, born in London]

[1969 - The U.S. troop withdrawal from Vietnam begins]

No Thorough Street

Why don't all the blind alleys of life have "Dead End" signs at the entrance?

dead end sign

William's Whimsical Words:

Because then life would be way too easy?

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