Friday, June 21, 2013
Summer Solstice
[1788 - The U.S. Constitution is ratified by New Hampshire, making it officially the law of the land from that day until this one]
[1834 - Cyrus McCormick patents his reaper]
[1859 - Henry Ossawa Tanner, artist, born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania]
[1892 - (Karl Paul) Reinhold Niebuhr, theologian, philosopher, born in Wright City, Missouri]
[1903 - Al (Albert) Hirschfeld, caricaturist, born in St. Louis, Missouri]
[1905 - Jean-Paul Sartre, philosopher, writer, playwright, critic, born in Paris]
With despair, true optimism begins: the optimism of the man who expects nothing, who knows he has no rights and nothing coming to him, who rejoices in counting on himself alone and in acting alone for the good of all. Jean-Paul Sartre, A propos de l'existentialisme: Mise au Point (Action, 29 December 1944).
[1921 - Judy Holliday (Tuvim), actress, born in New York City]
[1921 - (Ernestine) Jane (Geraldine) Russell, actress, activist, born in Bemidji, Minnesota]
[1925 - Maureen Stapleton, Academy, Tony, & Emmy Award-winning actress, born in Troy, New York]
[1935 - Francoise Sagan (Quoirez), author, playwright, born in Cajarc, France]
[1945 - Enemy resistance in Okinawa ends with The Japanese Army surrender of a few remaining survivors]
[1947 - The First postwar Mille Miglia race begins in Brescia, Italy]
[1956 - Arthur Miller, playwright, defies House Committee on Un-American Activities, and refuses to name suspected communist associates]
[1964 - Michael Schwerner, James Chaney, and Andrew Goodman, CORE civil rights workers, disappear in Neshoba County, Mississippi]
Out of Your Mind
Out of Body, Out of Mind.
Look down on one and into another.
If soul and body are separate,
Genius and insanity be joined at the hip.
And those who were seen dancing were thought to be INSANE by those who could not hear the music. Friedrich Nietzsche
William's Whimsical Words:
William has never had an out of body experience, but has definitely been out of his mind on occasion.
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