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Ben Franklin's bifocals Friday, June 18, 2010

[1812 - President James Madison signs declaration of war against Great Britain
for impressment of sailors, and interference with commerce]

Illustrator James Montgomery Flagg   Monty Flagg's Uncle Sam Wants You
[1877 - James Montgomery Flagg, illustrator, born in Pelham Manor, New York]

Mountaineer George Mallory
[1886 - George Mallory, mountaineer,
born in Mobberley, Cheshire, England]

Jeanette MacDonald   Singer Jeanette MacDonald
[1903 - Jeanette (Anna) MacDonald, singer, actress, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]

Sammy Cahn
[1913 - Sammy Cahn (Samuel Cohen), songwriter,
composer, born in New York City]

Columnist Sylvia Porter
[1913 - S.F. (Sylvia Field) Porter (Feldman), author, financial columnist, born in
Patchogue, Long Island]

Actor E. G. Marshall
[1914 - E.G. (Everett Eugene Grunz) Marshall, Emmy Award-
winning actor, born in Owatonna, Minnesota]

Actor Richard Boone     Actor Richard Boone as Paladin in Have Gun Will Travel
[1917 - Richard (Allen) Boone, actor, born in Los Angeles, California]

Basketball Great George Mikan
[1924 - George Mikan, Basketball Hall of Famer,
ABA Commissioner, born in Joliet, Illinois]

[1942 - Bernard W. Robinson is first African-American officer to be commissioned in US Naval Reserve]

The Quality of Justice

Shakespeare_reading In The Merchant of Venice the Bard tell us that:

The quality of mercy is not strained,
It falleth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath: it is twice blessed;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes:
. . .

Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That in the course of justice, none of us
Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy,

William Shakespeare, being somewhat more talented than poorwilliam, said it for the ages. Poorwilliam cannot resist adding for this age of ours:

Justice The quality of justice is sadly stained,
It falleth more harshly upon the poor, and
on the downtrodden: it is twice cursed;
It curseth him that metes it out and him that gets.

Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That in pursuit of justice, none of us
Find salvation: we do pay dearly for mercy.

If mercy be not strained, justice surely is.
'Tis sifted through the filter of the purse.
Upon the poor pours through mesh of chicken wire;
The rich sheltered by so fine a sieve as man desire.


William's Whimsical Words:

So pilgrim come not naively to the bar,
And seek ye justice from those who dwell
In court anon. Rather catch a legal star,
And plead the bargain pays him very well.

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