Tuesday, May 24, 2011
[1686 - Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, physicist,
born in Gdansk, Poland]
[1816 - Emanuel Leutze, painter, born in Gmund, Wurtemberg, Germany]
[1844 - Samuel F.B. Morse sends first coded telegraph message]
[1883 - The Brooklyn Bridge, linking the Burroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn, is opened to traffic]
[1914 - Lilli Palmer (Lillie Marie Peiser), actress, writer, born in Posen, Prussia, Germany (now Poznan, Poland)]
[1918 - Sailors from USS Olympia seize the port of Murmansk, Russia]
Poets Don't Have To
Poets don't have to be erudite.
Poets don't even have to be clever.
Poets need not resort to rhyme,
Tho' some seem to lean on it forever.
Poets find fresh images in the familiar,
They illuminate an object so mundane,
Capture the newness in chosen words,
To help some few of us just stay sane.
William's Whimsical Words:
Present company excluded.
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