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franklin-bifocals-60 Wednesday, May 5, 2010
[Cinco de Mayo] Cinco de Mayo sombrero    Cinco de Mayo

Philosopher Karl Marx   Philosopher Karl Marx
[1818 - Karl Marx, philosopher, writer, born in Trier, Germany]

puebla-battle    General Ignacio Zaragoza
[1867 - General Ignacio Zaragoza's outnumbered Mexican force defeats French army at Puebla]

Nellie Bly    Journalist Nellie Bly
[1867 - Nelly Bly (Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman), journalist, born in
Armstrong County, Pennsylvania]

Writer Christopher Morely
[1890 - Christopher Morley, writer,
born in Haverford, Pennsylvania]

Actor Tyrone Power
[1914 - Tyrone (Edmund) Power, Jr., actor, born
in Cincinnati, Ohio]

Singer & Actress Alice Faye
[1915 - Alice Faye (Alice Jeanne Leppert), actress,
singer, born in New York City]

Country Singer Tammy Wynette
[1942 - Tammy Wynette (Virginia Wynette Pugh),
Grammy Award-winning country singer,
born near Tremont, Mississippi]

Commander Alan Shepard   Shepard's Freedom 7 Capsule
[1961 - Commander Alan Shepard, Jr., USN, makes the first U.S. manned space flight]

Signs of Health

hospital & ambulance Hospital Admissions

Hospital signs are fraught with meaning.
trauma Not all are benign (or even appealing).
discharge pharmacy
For instance, What does "Discharge Pharmacy" mean? Is it meds for the home bound, or something obscene?

Nuclear Medicine Is Nuclear Medicine a place you would choose to venture? radiation Or perhaps too radioactive sans lead clothing to enter.

Who would brave the Third Floor of one medical facility? Where reside Neurosurgery, Infusion Stations, and Oncology. surgeon explaining technique

Of this simple fact you can be quite certain.

paramedic giving CPR In traversing the ER, look not behind a curtain.

patient in bed The Hospital with the sick and dying abounds. And only doctors Caduceus get paid to make the rounds.

William's Whimsical Words:
hospital sign hospital panting do not enter sign

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