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franklin-bifocals-60 Monday, April 19, 2010

Statesman Robert Sherman
[1721 - Roger Sherman, lawyer, politician, born in
Columbus, Ohio]

Economist David Ricardo
[1772 - David Ricardo, economist, born in London]

musket firing
Minuteman Memorial    Spirit of '76
[1775 - British and American soldiers exchange fire in Lexington and Concord]

Poet Lord Byron
[1824 - Lord Byron dies in Greece at age 36]

Boston Marathon start    Boston Marathon 1904
[1897 - The Boston Marathon is first run]

T-man Eliot Ness    T-man Eliot Ness
[1903 - Eliot Ness, untouchable Treasury agent, born in Chicago, Illinois]

Actress Jayne Mansfield
[1933 - Jayne Mansfield (Vera Jane Palmer),
actress, born in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania]

Actor Dudley Moore    Actor Dudley Moore
[1935 - Dudley Stuart John Moore, actor, born in Dagenham, England]

CBS Director Arthur Bloom
[1940 - Arthur Bloom, TV director, born in New York City]

[1943 - Uprising in Warsaw Ghetto begins on the Eve of Passover]
Warsaw Ghetto    Warsaw Ghetto - house
[1943 - Uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto begins on the Eve of Passover]

carousel-album    majestic-theatre
[1945 - Musical Carousel opens at the Majestic Theatre in Manhattan, runs for 890 performances]

VW's arriving in 1955
[1955 - Volkswagen of America, Inc. is established in Engelwood, New Jersey]

Branch Davidian compound fire - Waco
[1993 - Branch Davidian compound burns at Mount Carmel, Waco, Texas, during FBI assault]

Murrah Federal Building
[1995 - Massive truck bomb destroys Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, 168 die]

The Holocaust # 1

German Jews must wear Star of David - 1941

Holocaust - Auschwitz childrens barracks

If there is any thing that makes me ashamed to be a member of the human race, it is that in my lifetime I have been compelled to share that membership with those who did this.

holocaust victims

William's Whimsical Words:

If there is any thing that makes me proud to be a member of the human race, it is that throughout my lifetime I have heard the voices of those who whisper, "Never again!"


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