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franklin-bifocals-60 Thursday, March 26, 2015    Passover begins

Astronomer Nathaniel Bowditch
[1773 - Nathaniel Bowditch, astronomer, navigator, born in Salem, Massachusetts]

Author Edward Bellamy    Author Edward Bellamy
[1850 - Edward Bellamy, author, born in Chicopee Falls, Massachusetts]

Poet A.E. (Alfred Edward) Housman    Poet A.E. (Alfred Edward) Housman
[1859 - A.E. (Alfred Edward) Housman, poet, born in Fockbury, Worcestershire, England]

Conde Montrose Nast    Conde Nast house    Publisher Conde Montrose Nast
[1874 - Conde Montrose Nast, publisher, born in New York City]

A Young Robert Frost    Poet Robert Frost    Poet Robert Frost    The Face of Poet Robert Frost
[1874 - Robert Frost, four-time Pulitzer prize-winning poet, born in San Francisco]

Traveler Duncan Hines    Author Duncan Hines
[1880 - Duncan Hines, author, traveler, food rater, born in Bowling Green, Kentucky]

Tennessee Williams   Playwright Tennessee Williams    Playwright Tennessee Williams
[1911 - Tennessee (Thomas Lanier) Williams, Pulitzer prize-winning playwright, born in Columbus, Mississippi]

Actor Sterling Hayden    Actor Sterling Hayden    Actor Sterling Hayden    Actor Sterling Hayden
[1916 - Sterling Hayden (Sterling Relyea Walter), actor, born in Upper Montclair, New Jersey]

Singer Rufus Thomas    R & B Singer Rufus Thomas
[1917 - Rufus Thomas, Jr., blues and soul singer, born in Cayce, Mississippi]

Actor Strother Martin    Actor Strother Martin
[1919 - Strother Martin Jr., actor, born in Kokomo, Indiana]


A funeral is a ceremony wherein the living bury the dead. Martyrdom is a status that permits the dead to bury the living.

William's Whimsical Words:

Martyrdom is a mantle that looks becoming only on saviors and saints.

Martyrdom of St. Agnes

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