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franklin-bifocals-60 Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Geologist John Wesley Powell    John Wesley Powell & Native American    USGS Director John Wesley Powell
[1834 - John Wesley Powell, geologist, explorer, Director USGS (US Geological Survey), born in Mount Morris, New York]

Writer William Morris    Artist William Morris    Writer William Morris    Socialist William Morris
1834 - William Morris, writer, designer, artist, socialist, born in London]

Andrew W. Mellon    Banker Andrew W. Mellon
[1855 - Andrew William Mellon, banker, Treasury Secretary, ambassador, born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania]

Magician Harry Houdini    Harry Houdini chained up    Magician Harry Houdini poster    Magician Harry Houdini
[1874 - Harry Houdini [Erik Weisz], magician, escape artist, born in Budapest Hungary]

Actor Fatty Arbuckle    Actor Fatty Arbuckle
[1887 - Roscoe Conkling 'Fatty' Arbuckle, comedian, actor, born in Smith Center, Kansas]

Captain Dorothy Stratton, USCG    Captain Dorothy Stratton, USCG
[1899 - Dorothy Stratton, Captain, USCG, born in Brookfield, Missouri]

Thomas E. Dewey    Governor Thomas E. Dewey
[1902 - Thomas E. Dewey, Governor of New York, born in Owosso, Michigan]

Admiral George Dewey
[1903 - George Dewey is appointed Admiral of the Navy]

Actor Richard Conte    Actor Richard Conte
[1910 - Richard (Nicholas Peter) Conte, actor, born in Jersey City, New Jersey]

Joseph Barbera with friends    Joseph Barbera    Producer Joseph Barbera with friends
[1911 - Joe (Joseph Roland) Barbera, animator, director, producer, writer, born in New York City]

Gene Nelson    Dancer Gene Nelson
[1920 - Gene Nelson(Eugene Leander Berg), actor, dancer, director, born in Seattle, Washington]

Actor Norman Fell    Actor Norman Fell
[1924 - Norman Noah Fell (Feld), actor, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]

Vanessa Brown    Actress Vanessa Brown
[1928 - Vanessa Brown (Smylla Brind), actress, born in Vienna, Austria]

Actor Steve McQueen    
[1930 - (Terence Steven) Steve McQueen, actor, born in Beech Grove, Indiana]

National Gallery of Art
[1937 - National Gallery of Art is established by Congress]

Prince William Sound - Surprise Glacier
[Prince William Sound, Surprise Glacier, before Exxon Valdez disastrous oil spill]

Prince William Sound - Exxon Valdez oil spill

[1989 - Exxon Valdez runs aground in Prince William Sound, Alaska, spills 11,000,000 gallons of oil. (Worst oil spill on U.S. soil)]

Foundering Fathers Spirit of '76

Founding Fathers are worshipped and feared.
Perhaps they are too often Paul Revered.
So many changes on our American Sod;
The Constitution's not the Word of God.

Look at what the Nation now is faced with.
Perhaps the old girl could use a face lift.
It seems like the Union is falling apart.
That troubles your soul and breaks my heart.

Representative government is clearly failing.
How keep Ship of State in safe water sailing?
With Wall Street Bankers calling all the shots.
Our kids will have to piss into broken pots.

William's Whimsical Words:

William re-renews his call for a Second Constitutional Convention     New Constitution

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