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Franklin bifocals Friday, January 27, 2012

Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart    Composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
[1756 - Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, composer, born in Austria]

Writer Lewis Carroll    Writer Lewis Carroll    Writer Lewis Carroll
[1832 - Lewis Carroll (Charles Lutwidge Dodgson), mathematician, writer, born at Daresbury in Cheshire, England]

Labor Leader Samuel Gompers    Labor Leader Samuel Gompers
[1850 - Samuel Gompers, labor leader, born in London, England]

Judge Learned Hand
[1872 - Judge Learned Hand, jurist,
born in Albany, New York]

Composer Jerome Kern    Composer Jerome Kern
[1885 - Jerome Kern, composer, born in New York City]

Admiral Rickover inspecting    Admiral Hyman Rickover, USN
[1900 - Admiral Hyman Rickover, Nuclear Navy creator, born in Makow, Russia (now Poland)]

Pittsburgh Steelers Owner Art Rooney    Art Rooney statue at Heinz Field    Steelers Owner Art Rooney    Hall of Fame founder Art Rooney
[1901 - Art (Arthur Joseph) Rooney, Sr., Pittsburgh Steelers Owner, Pro Football Hall of Fame founder, born in Coulterville, Pennsylvania]

Lawrence Durrell, writer    Lawrence Durrell, writer of Justine
[1912 - Lawrence Durrell, writer, born in Darjeeling, India]

Conductor Skitch Henderson
[1918 - Skitch (Lyle Russell Cedric) Henderson, bandleader,
musical director, born in Halstad, Minnesota]

Actor Sabu Dastagir    Actor Sabu Dastagir
[1924 - Sabu Dastagir, actor, born in Karapur, Mysore, India]

[1945 - Soviets liberate Auschwitz]
Auschwitz - main gate    Auschwitz - Jews arriving in trains

Auschwitz - naked men    Auschwitz gas chamber    Auschwitz - corpses
[1945 - Soviets liberate the Auschwitz Death Camp]

Apollo 1 crew
[1967 - Astronauts Virgil Grissom, Edward White, and Roger Chaffee
die in flash fire in Apollo 1 test on launch pad]

[1973 - Paris Peace Accords are signed ending US participation in the Vietnam War]

'Tis a Puzzlement

William is not the first, nor will he be the last, to liken solution of the mystery of life to the hardest jigsaw puzzle ever. The image is compelling because in both cases the pieces are not in any order and are scattered all over, some of the pieces are missing, there is no picture of the completed work to guide us, and the identity and intent of the maker is unknown.

William's Whimsical Words:

Other than that, it's a piece of cake.

chocolate cake

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Last updated on January 26, 2012

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