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Franklin bifocals Thursday, January 21, 2010

Patriot Ethan Allen    Ethan Allen Monument
[1738 - Ethan Allen, Revolutionary War leader of Green Mountain Boys,
born in Litchfield, Connecticut]

General Stonewall Jackson    Stonewall Jackson statue
[1824 - Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, Confederate General, born in Clarksburg, Virginia (now West Virginia)]

Actor J. Carrol Naish
[1897 - J. (Joseph) Carrol Naish, actor, born
in New York City]

Actor Paul Scofield
[1922 - Paul Scofield, Academy and Tony award-winning
actor, born in Hurstpierpoint, Sussex, UK]

Actor Telly Savalas
[1922 - Telly (Aristotle) Savalas, Emmy Award-
winning actor, born in Garden City, New York]

Revolutionary Vladimir Lenin
[1924 - Revolutionary Vladimir Lenin dies]

Commedian Benny Hill
[1924 - Benny (Alfred Hawthorne) Hill, comedian,
born in Southampton, England]

DJ Wolfman Jack
[1939 - Wolfman Jack (Robert Weston Smith),
disc jockey, born in Brooklyn]

[1976 - Concorde SST aircraft begins regular commercial service]

Under New Management

Obama Inauguration - his kids say it all

No one who observed the historic events of January 2009 can doubt that our nation is headed in a new direction. We can only hope that the ship of state, with the new captain on the bridge, will come about onto a new course away from the rocks and shoals that loomed just ahead. It is also clear that the widespread dissatisfaction in the electorate with government incompetence that swept Barack Obama into the presidency was not to be quieted by some baby steps in the right direction. The Nation is impatient with the new leader whose style is coalition building when what we hoped for was some serious ass-kicking. Indeed, coalition building requires willing partners and Washington seems to be populated with zealous ideologues so that the Obama approach is clearly not working.

Much has been made of the election of the first African-American to the Presidency of the United States of America. While the symbolic and cultural importance of that event cannot be denied, it is really not so surprising. The genetic evidence now suggests that the male DNA of the human race can be traced to a single individual who lived in the Horn of Africa tens of thousands of years ago. If one believes more in science than theology when it comes to the origin of our species, all the current human inhabitants of the world are African, and all the citizens of this great nation are African-American.

Obama Inauguration - Crowd on the Caritol Mall

William's Whimsical Words:

Yes we did; now we must.

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Last updated on January 21, 2010

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