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Franklin bifocals Thursday, January 12, 2012

Painting of Mission Santa Clara de Asis
[1777 - Padre Thomas Pena, and Padre Junipero Serra found the Mission Santa Clara de Asis]

Philosopher Edmund Burke    Philosopher Edmund Burke
[1729 - Edmund Burke, author, philosopher, born in Dublin, Ireland]

Painter John Singer Sargent    John Singer Sargent's Shipping Majorca    John Singer Sargent's self-portrait
[1856 - John Singer Sargent, artist, born in Florence, Italy]

Writer Jack London    Writer Jack London    Writer Jack London
[1876 - Jack London ((John Chaney), writer, born in San Francisco, California]

Actor Tex Ritter    Singer Tex Ritter
[1905 - Tex (Woodward Maurice) Ritter, actor, Country Hall of Fame singer, born in Murvaul, Texas]

Newsman Martin Agronsky
[1915 - Martin (Zama) Agronsky, journalist, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania]

Super Bowl IX - Steel Curtain engulfs Vikings    Super Bowl IX ring
[1975 - Super Bowl IX: Pittsburgh Steelers 16, Minnesota Vikings 6]

America for the Americans

It is no secret that the 9-11 tragedy and our hysterical overreaction to it spawned widespread fear and xenophobia across our country. One of the most pernicious effects was a relapse into the amnesia that this nation periodically experiences, giving rise to a manifest hostility toward immigrants, this time in the name of Homeland Security (fall to your knees).

blockade barrier alert level climbing

We so easily forget that the only truly native Americans are the handful who survived our highly successful efforts to ethnically cleanse this continent of its original inhabitants.
Wounded Knee - 1891 mass grave
[1891 - Mass Grave Burial for victims of Wounded Knee Massacre]

The worst long term effect of 9-11 on US economic and national security interests may be a lingering hostility to immigrants (both those that are here already and those who seek to come). This nation owes its continuing vitality to the waves of immigrants that have streamed to its shores. To shut off this vital flow would only subject the country to the same danger of rapidly aging population that threatens many of the planet's great civilizations. The tragic fact is that the terrorists and extremists are not responsible for this potential damage; we are doing it to ourselves.

dead end sign US Capitol with US flag road closed sign Statue of Liberty with gun detour sign

William's Whimsical Words:

The God of Homeland Security is a vengeful and jealous god who zealously protects his people from all immigrants, outsiders, foreigners, and unbelievers.

do not enter sign

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