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Franklin bifocals Thursday, January 10, 2008

Revolutionary Ethan Allen
[1738 - Ethan Allen, patriot, born in Litchfield, Connecticut]

John D. Rockefeller  Standard Oil
[1870 - John D Rockefeller incorporates Standard Oil]

Damcer & Actor Ray Bolger
[1904 - Ray Bolger (Raymond Wallace Bulcao), dancer, actor, born in Dorchester, Massachusetts]

Actor Paul Henreid
[1905 - Paul Henreid (Paul Georg Julius Hernreid Ritter Von Wassel-Waldingau), actor, director, born in Trieste, Austria-Hungary (now Italy)]

League of Nations - first session
[1920 - League of Nations formally comes into being]

Jazz Drummer & Composer Max Roach
[1924 - Maxwell Lemuel 'Max' Roach, jazz drummer, composer, born in Pasquotank County, North Carolina]

Songwriter & Singer Jim Croce
[1943 - Jim Croce, singer, songwriter, born in South Philadelphia]

Theory of Bureaucracy - 1

The organizing principle of the bureaucracy is: Distribution of Authority. Bureaucratic Authority is authority that has been sliced up in a microtome, then dispersed and distributed so widely throughout the various layers of the organization that eventually if vanishes completely. The disappearance of authority is useful in two regards. Not only does it make accomplishment of any meaningful result unlikely, but it also obscures accountability for the inevitable failure of purpose.

For the bureaucrat, the world is a mere object to be manipulated by him.

Karl Marx

William's Whimsical Words:

Curse not the bureaucracy when it crushes your foot. It has no idea you are there, it lacks any clue where it is going, and it could not change direction even if it happened to see you.

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